So, the MSH Scientific Meeting was up and running. And with that, there would be no Haematologist in Subang - and in fact, most of Lembah Kelang for the weekend. Me? Equipped with my 7D and 70-200mm, I was snapping away as the photographer it was almost economic a tradition.
Anyhow, the journey up to Penang last night was smooth. Since Anita had pharyngitis, she decided not to come along. Instead, I brought my Mum along and I had dinner with my Aunt after dropping her there.
I then checked-in at around 9, dumped my bags in the room and had coffee with a few old friends until close to midnight.
I started early this morning although the event proper only started at 9. I must say that the program looked excellent and the talks had been good this far.
Better get back to the lectures then.