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Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 9:24PM
Haris Abdul Rahman in Commentary, Netflix, Stranger Things, TV, TV series

Stranger Things was back for the second season and this time around the plot were more personal rather than the spectacular. My boys especially connected to the coming-of-age perspective of the plot line and could not stop watching the episodes. They ended up watching the season with Anita and finished them before I could really start.

The Netflix episodes also carried a companion documentary series - Beyond Stranger Things - featuring the cast, which discussed the plot line in greater details while sharing some anecdotes while filming.

Early 80s in the US had always had this attraction to them. There was the mix of modern as well as the innocent. When I thought about the early 80s, I remembered the LA Olympics. One of my neighbour was studying in the US at the time and I kept hearing the cool things in the US from her. Another find memory was the cassettes album she brought from there. There were no CDs back then. MTV and video music were just bring introduced. And then there was Michael Jackson ...

Watching Stranger Things brought some of those memories back. Kinda a trip back to those innocent times. Truth be told, I was looking forward for the coming season. The series ended in a really good finale but with enough of a hint that mayhem would be just around the corner. Until the next season ...

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