Welcome to the photography page for the recent 9th Malaysian National Haematology Scientific Meeting held at Pullman Kuching, ably organised by Dr Lau Lee Gong, Dr Chew Lee Ping and their team members. Pease click on the relevent links which will take you to a series of slideshows.
To download any photos, please click on the slideshow above. You will then be taken to my main photography storage site at http://harisphotography.com. Navigate to and click on the the photo you wanted to download. When the photographs appears on the main window, hover onto it. Look at the upper right hand corner. There should be a slideout menu. Click on the folder icon. The photos will then be downloaded automatically. The file should be small enough to be downloaded without a hitch. You're also able to tweet out, link the photos to facebook, your Wordpress blog, Tumblr or Pesterous, or just email it out.
Snaps from the Gala Dinner Dinner event
The snaps of the posters presented at the MSH 2011
The shots from the prize-giving event
The behind the scene take
Day One
The speakers from the First Day
Photos of the crowd on the First Day of the event
Day Two
Speakers from the Second Day
Random snaps on Day 2 of the Conference
Day Three
Speakers from the Final Day
More snaps from the Final Day
The Blog
The event as they unfolded