

Eating out

As a treat for Idlan after his exams. As well as his birthday.


Afternoon CME today ...

.... by Dr Wint Wint. Topic was APML


Preparing for the Party

It was Idlan's birthday on Monday, but unfortunately it fell on the day of his assessment and by his own admission, he only wanted to celebrate it this coming weekend. This time around, we were not planning any real parties, just a family gathering and a class cake-cutting and stuff like that. That should happen this Friday in school, right after his assessments.

I have also promised to take his and Irfan to watch Kung Fu Panda II sometime during the weekend. I have yet to book it but maybe on Saturday lunchtime if I would not be doing the ward rounds. Anita has started with the preparation for the Friday party. just now, we ordered some pizza and drinks for the party from Pizza Hut, Irfan's favourite food. We also ordered separately for his class as the kindergarten would be celebrating Teacher's Day on the same Friday morning. Usually they would have a simple concert for the teachers. I was not surre if they had a similar thing prepared this time around.


What I would be doing the rest of the week

Just got my copy of Stargate Universe 2.5. This would e the final episodes of the recently cancelled show. Well, you have to make the most of it. Fringe would be next, if I have the time.


Calling it the night

Mondays were generally the busiest day of the week for me. Today was no exception. I had a lecture and a tutorial in the afternoon to add to clinics and Day Care. Now it was time to chill. Idlan was spending extra time revising for his assessment tomorrow.