
Entries in Phone (1)


No Aayat as Ringtones Please

Err.. Careful. He is using an iPhone! Better not get it wet!A Muslim organisation has issued a fatwa over mobile phone etiquette, it has been reported.

In the north Indian city of Kanpur a panel of clerics from the Islamic group Jamia Ashraf-ul-Madaris has set new rules over using phones.

The panel objected to the use of aayats (verses from the Koran) as ringtones. It argues that people answer calls midway through the aayat, leave the verse incomplete.

I had enough of people using Koranic verses and doa as ringtones. Imagine if your phone goes off while you are in the loo. Some people set set aazan as their reminder for the prayers. Maybe just a simple bleep should suffice.