Thinking about ..... Teluk Kemang

Can't help but thinking of the beach when I got to work today. Maybe it was reverse psychology thinking about the amount of work to look forward to, I instead focused on relaxing thoughts. For some reason it reminded me of the walk I had in Teluk Kemang during my recent visit to Port Dickson. Imagining how crowded it will be come this weekend, the long Chinese New Year weekend. I honestly can't imaging the rows of cars snaking towards the beach front with the narrow roads leading up to it, taking hours to drive the stretch of road.
The soon-to-be-crowded beachfront during quiet times.
Rows of deck chairs to lay on ..... under the shade of courseLast year, we spent the CNY weekend in PD and the queue along the beach road was about 5 miles long. We turned back as soon as we hit the tail end of it and changed our plan. The beach was not really fantastic when compared to say Bayu Beach Resort where our apartment is located. The sand was not as good and fluffy. The beachfront was rather narrow and cramped. Anyone can get in - if you can find a parking space of course, unlike Bayu Beach where excess can be a problem as only hotel patrons and apartment owner had easy excess in. Hence it can get too crowded for a family holiday.
Good clean fun but can be expansive during holiday weekends. The operators were known to charge through the nose. Negotiating skills essential here.
Alternatively you can bring your own gearHowever, I like crowd. More to the point I like to observe crowd with a camera in hand. Unfortunately in Malaysia people get suspicious when you got long lenses in your hands unlike in Paris and London, or Kuala Lumpur for that matter. Even though you were taking pictures of buildings rather than people. Another feature that I love about the Teluk Kemang beachfront was the rows of colourful shops they have there, selling local artwork and gifts. Food was never a problem as there were many stalls nearby. Another pus thing is the public toilet there was very clean - at least it was when I was there, not during peak hours of course.
I don't think I will ever be keen to stay here, but this converted beach villa now offers toilet and shower facilities for a small fee.For all my apprehension, the day went without much drama. Day Care was busy but as many of the patients deferred their chemo until after the Chinese New Year, the ward duty was rather light. I was occupied with some Departmental and teaching duties in the afternoon, so the day just breezed by. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same. And I can look forward to another weekend break in PD in the not too distant future. My usual excuse is our apartment needed cleaning again ......

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