Afternoon at Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park

RM 35 for adults and RM 20 for kids. Let's start from there. And my advice, don't head to Sunway Lagoon just to get to the Wildlife Park without enjoying the other attraction. It was just not worth the entrance fee. Saying that, that was how much I spend to get my kids in last weekend. The initial plan was to see the dolphin show at the nearby Pyramid shopping centre but we took a wrong turn. We ended up walking towards the Lagoon and when we reached there, everyone was excited to go in to see the animals.
The trail begins
The porcupine ....... Run!Since we reached there at around 3.30 pm right after lunch at Atrium Cafe and we did not bring any change of clothing, we decided just to pay for a single park entry. Hence the rather high price. For an extra RM 10 per pax, we could have enjoy the waterpark as well. After entering the Lagoon compound we headed straight to the WIldlife Park. The park was essentially a minizoo with many exotic birds, monkeys and other furry things. It was certainly more interactive than your usual zoo, where the visitors can join in on feeding and petting.
The pond at the entranceThe park was very clean and well maintained but we were disappointed at the lack of variety of animal on show. Certainly for the amount we paid to get in, we have a cause to complain. It was not just the entrance ticket we paid premium for, everything there was expensive. Food, T-shirts and other goodies were just ridiculously priced. The park security made it a point that no outside food can brought in. A family beside us got a lot of hassle for bringing in baby food.
At the Village
Sleeping iguana
An albino monkey
The main hit with my boys were the tortoises. By the end, Irfan was carrying them around. Idlan was a bit scared and spend time just running around. The more adventurous visitors were playing with snakes and monkeys. There were essentially 2 parts to the park. A path going round, through the aviary, snaking up a small hill and back down, and the village, where the pet shows and theaters were situated. There was also a small pet village down the path along the waterfront, but the animals there were not very exotic. Spending an hour and a half there was more than enough. We missed the time for the train rides and theatre though which we a shame.
The boys running around by the waterfront
Irfan's new friendWould we go there again? Not if we have to pay the amount we did. However should you have a day pass into the Lagoon, why not. It will get the kids excited especially if you enter at the right time, during feeding hours and showtime.
Th slideshow for the event can be found here.

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