Partyboy - Idlan's Sixth Part I

It took a good few days for me to go through the photographs and blog about last weekend’s party. Was busy as well from yesterday. Took a bit longer than expected. There was also too much to write, so I guess in the first part, I just talk about the venue. Yes, we held it at the Hornbill Restaurant, the main eatery at the KL Bird Park in Tasik Perdana. We have been there a few times and were quite familiar with the place. Unfortunately, not much of birdwatching and photography for me that day. It was all about Idlan.
Registration involved being tagged up
Birthday Boy welcoming the guests
Irfan must be wondering why all the presents were for his brother - some of them actually got prezzies for himIdlan’s real birthday was actually the 23rd (Sunday). However, since it clashed with my cousin’s wedding - the one that I travelled to Butterworth for, we decided to hold it on the Saturday - a day earlier. The party started in the morning, guests started to arrive by 11. Unfortunately it was gloomy and threatened to rain all morning, In fact, it rained heavily overnight. Therefore, we had to change the itinerary somewhat. It was originally planned that we take a tour of the park by 11.30, finishing at a bird show at around 1pm. We then double back to the restaurant, have the mascot and cake-cutting, lunch and then some games. Unfortunately with the rain, we cut the cake much earlier and have the lunch, then when the rain subsided, rushed for the bird show. Then came the tour and by the time we arrived back the the restaurant, it was already quite late. The mascot arrived and it was already time to finish things off.
The birds are hungry - let's feed them!
Nice juggling act, IdlanLuckily the party planner was very flexible and the guide we had, Jeremy was a hit with the kids. He took us around, telling jokes and anecdote of the animals to the kids. The kids seemed to enjoy it. The restaurant was accessible to the public from a separate door to the park main entrance. Coming in, we then take some steps down to another deck where we had the party. The deck overlooked the main park and birds comes over to the verandah on the deck, where we can feed and play with them. The rangers also came and introduced us to some of the parrots and birds to play with while the guest arrived. It was certainly different to the birthday parties I have been to.
Food was served at the verandah, where we got out, pick the food and came inside - with air conditioning of course. That was where we had the cake-cutting and games as well. The area was enough to seat about 100 guests and since we had only about 60, there were plenty of space for the children to run around. Will talk about the cakes, the tour and bird show on the next entries.

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