Day Two

The second day in Yangon today and it was such a relief getting my talk out of the way. We arrived yesterday at about lunch time and went straight for the afternoon lecture session after some food. As I was not sure if the food were Halal or not, the organizer had put aside some seafood for us.
The afternoon session was more of a meet and greet although it was followed right after with a talk by a Pharmacist. I was pretty tired by then and was not able to concentrate. Unpacked and was tired enough for a power nap.
The dinner was by the poolside. It was a barbecue and Yangon being by the sea, the grilled prawns was a delight. In fact, I couldn't really complain about the food at all. The food were simple, a fusion of Indo-Chinese food really, but nice. I finally went to bed extra early - Yangon is an hour and a half later than Malaysia in term of time difference. so by the time I finished dinner, I was ready to sleep.
The problem then was I woke up very early - 6am Malaysian time, which was 4.30 local. A quick flip of the TV channel, and a quick tweak on my slides while waiting for breakfast.
This morning's program was rather tight, starting at 8.30 and broke for lunch just after 1.30. Half an hour later, then it was time for some sightseeing which took us the whole afternoon. I will blog that on a later entry, but for now, I had just had dinner - with a cultural show thrown in. Rather sleepy. Will probably head for bed soon. Mind you, it was 10 am Malaysian time. But it was only 8.30 here now.

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