I'm Back

I'm back in Kuala Lumpur but it has been a long and fruitful day. Went to bed early last night after drifting off while watching the Arsenal match - good thing they drew as we just got beat by Liverpool just now. I did not even bother to pack when I slept.
Woke up super early as to stick to Malaysia time - woke up at 5.30 am which was 7am in Malaysia. Checked out straight after breakfast as I have an early morning trip to do prior to catching the bus to the airport. I went to visit Yangon General Hospital - at least the Haematology wing. What an eye-opening visit it was. Clearly that would be for another entry.
After a morning tree, listening to the tribulations of the local doctors, I realised how lucky the patients and the doctors in Malaysia. We do have a decent health service in Malaysia, but my God, how inefficient it was. The hospital there was surprisingly clean and well-kept, and the main bulk of the upkeep was from donations.
On my way out, my friend from Hospis Malaysia, Ednin was about to take a cab to a local hospice to see first hand the situation there. I was sure he will have plenty to tell when he returns in a couple of days time. I will email him then. Check out and the trip through Immigrations at the airport was smooth. The flight took off almost on time - there was a generator failure, delaying the taxiing. I reached home just after 6 pm, well before the kick-off for the big match tonight.
Rather tired now and about ready to doze off. Will be at work tomorrow, and maybe will go through the photos after work. Will be doing the blogging for the trip throughout the week.
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