New Kit Kat

There had been a long wait since the last Kit Kat update for my Nexus 7. Almost 6 months I think. Finally earlier in the week, the latest version was pushed through. Android 4.3.3.
Any major changes? Not that I could tell. They were mainly under the hood I was sure. After all, it was a small increment, but it still kept the Nexus devices a version ahead of the rest.
Shame that there would be no new Nexus devices in the horizon and Google had decided against developing this platform. I would not hesitate to buy the next version of Nexus 7 should they come out, but there were not to be. At least as it stood at the moment.
Almost cooked!Should my Nexus 7 became outdated, I might go Sony. Some of their 7 incher or similar looked interesting indeed. Will be keeping an eye on that.
As it stood, let's see what was in store...

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