A New Pair

My Beats headphone lasted almost three years now and was worn off especially at the ear cups. The connections were also suspect as I could sometime could hear interference when I moved about. Time for a new pair of headphones.
Initially I wanted a Bose. But after some search on the Net, the Audio Technica MT50X got some decent review. And it was reasonably priced as well.
So, I went around looking for a pair around Bukit Bintang yesterday, and tested one. Impressive. No active noise-cancellation like my old Beats, but the sound was good. None of the exaggerated base of the Beats as well. The midtone and vocal sounded super-sharp. I was happy.
The pair I picked up was from the limited edition line, with faux-leather muffs coming with a matching pouch. Slightly more expensive than the standard but not by much. The whole package was less that RM700. Good value I thought since my old Beats cost double that ....

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