KLPF 2014 First Look

KLPF 2014 First Look : The quality of exhibitions in Malaysia still left plenty to be desired. What was sad was often the subject matter was different to what the exhibition was about.
Yesterday, the exhibition was exactly just that. The Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival was held at Mid Valley Exhibition Centre last weekend, and it was an event I frequent almost every year, ended up with me parting with cash on stuffs which I ended up not using, just gathering dust in my store. That however did not stop me from going again this year.
Some really nice tales here
Interesting talk, but I must say I dozed off half way
Spent some time browsing here. The deal of the day was rather decent.I had plans of what I wanted to explore there. No, not the models and the photo ops. I wanted to look at a few specific items. As before, I would not be expecting premium brands such as Leica to turn up. I wanted to have a look at the Pentax medium format, the Ricoh GR, a dedicated bag for my OM-D EM-1, Nikon Coolpix A series camera and maybe some lenses to try on the Fuji X-series range. Plenty to cover actually.
I arrived there well early, before noon. I set off through the program, familiarising myself with the lay out.
There was essentially 3 main areas, with the central foyer being filled with a stage for talks and presentation. I started with the least crowded hall first. Olympus, Photobook Malaysia, the photographic society booths, Ricoh and other generic vendors selling accessories. The cabinet cases caught my eyes, but rather than buying I decided to get their contacts as I couldn't be asked to drag the cabinets into my car.
I also spent some times at the Olympus booth. They had some assessors, and the limited edition OM-10 looked neat. The had a few lenses but they were sold at retail price. so, I moved on to the Ricoh/Pentax booth. I got to fiddle around with the GR. Again, sold at retail price, with nothing extra thrown in. And they didn't have the Pentax 645 Medium Format to show. Lame!
Shazni's work on display. But as I mentioned, the canvas could have been bigger.
Some of the exhibits here were excellent despite being hidden away right at the back
This one took the cake. A submission by a competitor entitled "Freedom". A series of picture of him lying on the floor without a care in the World.The back end of the hall was turned into a make-shift galleries. Some really interesting masterpieces were on show. I will write about that in a separate entry later. Compared to last year, the space for gallery had at least doubled, which for me personally was a goor thing. I made my way to the main hall.
Nikon, Sony, Panasonic and a bit of Fuji. But no Canon! At least none that was obvious. Epson got a neat booth showing off their printers and scanners. Spent some time there but owning a decent photo printer at home could be cumbersome, and not exactly value for money.
Part of a bigger piece
I guess our interests are diverse
No Nikon A to see. I spent some time at the Sony booth, but again, no special offer. A few purchase-with-purchase deals, but not really very attractive. Fuji had the X-T1 as their main attraction. I wanted to try the new 10-24 f4, but sadly it was a no show. Seemed to be recurring theme. I spent the rest of the time exploring other people's work at the exhibition gallery.
The third hall was filled up by tourism and travel agency. Some nice and neat offers, but due to my no fly policy for this year, I didn't bother having a close look. I then went back to have another look at Photobook, the Olympus booth and another feel of the GR. I might buy that actually later on. A nice neat camera which I could slip in my pocket. Could be a classic, although I already own the X100.
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