Cannot be Bo(a)rdered

The first floor of the Urbanscape House had an interesting offering. A whole floor of art exhibit. And all with skateboards. Neat.
The art side of things was fascinating enough and add to that some political nuance, I must say that it was very well curated.
There were a couple of pieces which caught my eyes.
Rather neat ....
Rebels ....
Let's sit down ....The first one was a burger. A wooden burger, paying homage to the plain old Ramly Burger. It was well carved.
The second one was a set of nine boards attached to a wall, each with portrait of current and past political leaders, all against the current regime. Themed "Dulu Lain, Sekarang Lain" - which basically meant the wind of change - it depict how connected there were now in the current political climate.
From the off
Closer .....
And we have a winner ....
More room ....
What's next?
We are all connected ....Subtle but obvious.
Most of the exhibitors had had their work featured gone and abroad before. You can tell from their polished work. Definitely worth a stop.
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