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Much has Changed

I left Universiti Malaya in 2011. And now that my father-in-law was.warded there, I got to spend some thine there. Much certainly has changed.

The biggest one being the new tower called Menara Selatan. They were still building it when I left. It had certainly changed the landscape of the whole place. With it the outpatients department had changed as well.

There were a few other development going on as well. The building next to the Primary Care Department - affectually known as RUKA - was being demolished. More buildings were being added which could only be a good thing. I remembered that when I first joined UM, the Paediatrics block was out on hold and it was finally opened just before I left.

Traffic flow was still bad but somehow I managed to get a spot on top of the Trauma Centre. Gone were the eatery at the Trauma Centre where I used to go to when I was on call. That place was being renovated as well. A lot was happening.

There was always a part of me which missed the place. I always had affinity to it although lately I haven't been there that much despite only staying 5 minutes away. Maybe in the next few days, I would give my old ward and the Medical Department a visit. Many of my old colleagues were still there. I might join them for lunch ...

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