Don't Judge Me

Yes! That was Pikotaro in Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. With Anita and the kids in Port Dickson and me being post-call, I did not plan anything for the day. Hunting for food, I decided to go out. A quick search on the net and I learned that there would be an event all weekend at Pavilion and as part of the event - called Japan Expo Malaysia - Pikataro of the PPAP fame would be making an appearance.
True to the precision of Japanese timing, Pikatoro appeared on stage just after the advertised 5 pm start. The place was already packed when I arrived and I decided to perch myself at one of the upper floors. Hence the vido was taken from the sixth floor right parallel to the stage. Not great but it did the trick I supposed ....
So, here we go .... I have a pen ...

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