Boys' Concert Part II - The Show

The opening gong with pyrotechnics. Pew! Pew!11 o’clock sharp when the VIP arrived. They were taken through a procession upon entering the hall, all the way to his seat. After a couple of short speeches, he sounded the gong, and the show was on, with an accompanying firework. My Dad noted that there were no doa, something that I thought they overlooked.
The choir with its ultra-energetic conductorFirst up were the school choir. They sang a rendition of a local folk song which I couldn’t recall, followed by Lady Ga Ga’s “Bad Romance”. The Ga Ga number was quite fun I thought. This was followed by the kindy shows.
Kindy 2 show
Watching Irfan strutting his stuff
Thank God there was no stage fight!First up were the children from Kindy 2 - 5 year-olds. This was followed by Irfan’s class - Kindy 1. Irfan was the star of the show. They did a Chinese dance with fans, and Irfan was a complete ace. I was worried that he will have a stage fright, but how wrong was I? He was so cool, remembered all the steps and was fantastic. His steps were much more difficult than Idlan’s actually, and since there were just six of them on stage, he was remarkably brave.
Idlan in his MJ-esque costume
Have you made a wrong turn?Next was Idlan’s Kindy 3. They did an Indian number, a la Bollywood, complete with a breakdance routine in the middle - which Idlan did not do thankfully. It was a crowded stage of around twenty plus, so the choreography needed to be simple to follow. No problems there either, but compared to Irfan, even his costumes were pretty simple, although he was ten times more excited with the whole thing. I managed to squeeze myself right in front of the stage to take some videos and pictures.
Yay! It was over!
Starving in the endSince the children were released straight after, we had to fetch them and after a short meal - they were starving - we left, straight for lunch with their grandparents. The school concert for this year were themed on a musical. Reading between the lines and from the line-up of characters they had, I think it was based on American Idol with the contestant being school bands from around the world, a la Glee. It was a shame that we had to leave, as I thought that could be pretty exciting. I couldn’t expect my parents to be able to hang around for the next 3 hours for the whole concert.
So what did we do next? Lunch at Victoria Station. It has been a while since I went there to be honest. More about that one later!
Part I of the concert was blogged here, and the slideshow can be seen here.

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