KB - the flight out

Idlan at the loungeTruth be told, that was the boys first ever flight. We were all apprehensive. Puan Anita was not keen to endure the now -dreaded 10 hour drive from Kuala Lumpur to KB. By he time we reach Bentong, we were tearing our hair out already. A couple of our cousin’s were getting married - yes, to each other. Gulp! Therefore we had no excuse but to return to KB. It was doubly nice to make the journey to visit the extended family before Puasa as well.
Idlan with his Tok Abah
Grumpy travellerAfter finishing my clinic on the Friday morning, I made the short hop to KL Sentral via taxi, checked the boys in, and took the ERL to KLIA. The boys were EXTREMELY excited. I sat with Irfan while Puan Anita had Idlan with her. My father-in-law also took the same flight. Weather was great. We got them stuffed at the lounge, and they had some more food and attention by the stewardesses on the flight. It was a smooth one. No drama. In fact, Irfan cannot stop chatting through-out. The whole cabin can hear his voice.
So, what was Adik up to? - Ferraro Rocher
How about Abang? - More Ferraro RocherWe reached KB just before 4pm, and quickly settled into our hotel room. My mum-in-law came by road with the maids, and they arrived just before 5pm. Perfect timing. The boys quickly got themselves acquainted with the facilities. After tea, he went out later that evening for dinner at one of our auntie’s house. Food and Kelantan has always been great friends - so, needless to say, the food was gorgeous - we had nasi ulam that evening among other things.
Idlan with his first ever boarding passDid the boys retire early that evening? - No way!

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