Day 2

We finally concluded the Conference program just after 5.30 pm. I have to confess that the last hour or so was an absolute agony. Some of the lectures were right over my head, and I can see delegates around me booting up their laptop to surf, or just simply nodded off. I caught up with today's notes and tried to decipher them, failing miserably. Enough brain wave for the I thought. Next plan, get dinner.
It was still bright outside when we caught the taxi back to the hotel. The non-Moslems decided to venture into Chinatown for a proper dinner. Myself and the other Malays in the group went for a kebab at Bayswater, and I decided to split up right after.
Sat in front of me was THE Jeff Szer, a prominent transplanter from Melbourne.Alone, I went to the Apple Store at Regent Street to get the iPhone sleeves Anita ordered. Lucky for me, I managed to get some. There you go. I made history of shopping at an actual Apple Store and being served by an actual Apple Genius!
Unfortunately, it started to drizzle outside. So I had to cut short my planned evening stroll around West End. There would always be tomorrow night of course.

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