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Happy July

Suffice to say that there would be plenty of changes in my personal life in my personal life, details which would become apparent over time. Things were kind of hectic with bettongs my life sorted out in preparation for that big event. In the meantime, July would also be busy on the family and social front as well. There would be wedding, photoshoots, Urbanscapes and school holidays for my children, all in time to celebrate the coming of Ramadhan in August.

I was yet to decide on where to head for the holidays. I have a whole week before Ramadhan to celebrate with the boys. The would be a birthday party for one of Idlan's classmate this weekend, and it would be at a movie theatre, showing Transformers. The weekend after that would be a wedding and a talk - which would be on my birthday. The weekend after that would be Urbanscapes, and the UMMC Haematology Update following suit in the 23rd. There would be no rest for the wicked I supposed. At least all my weekends have already been set!

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