More Fogging

Finally it was down to Majlis Daerah Gombak to organise the fogging. And they came in one big van. The whole place was shrouded in clouds. The whole of Jalan Delima.
The officer went from house to house to inform them that fogging was taking place. They also erected a big banner informing everybody that here had been cases of dengue recently - my Mum and brother-in-law none the less.
He also informed us that there would be some activities planned for the community in the coming few weeks. There would be talks and also gotong-royong to clear the area, and hopefully stop any more new cases from cropping up.
The sad thing was, the officer was told off by his superior as if the cases were his fault. He would be doing more fogging in the coming weeks to make sure things settle down. He did ask how my Mum and brother was doing. According to him, it had been a while since the last case were reported in our neighborhood. Hopefully when the campaign were launched, people in the neighborhood would be joining in in force.

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