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Is This Lame?

I was sure that plenty of you would have received these SMSes lately. For me, I was getting them at least once a week. Initially, I thought it was just a random thing, but after a while, it started to become a pain.

I know when it was nearing election time, the pelican parties would do their best to win votes. But this is rather lame, nice the parties from both sides had not ally been covering themselves in glory as far as championing Rakyat's causes were concerned. I was sure that some crony was making tons of cash from these SMSes. All at Rakyat's expense. And the sad thing was, there was no such thing as opting out here.

I wish that this could stop. Responding to the messages would just encourage more of these. A good incentive would be to get RM10 credit on the phone bill every time we get this messages. If that was the case, I would volunteer them to SMS me on my data line. I would get free Internet then ..... I could but wish ..... As it stood, the messages were getting annoying by the day. The message I received today definitely got the cake ..... Just read at how lame it sounded. Facepalm!

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