Obama Wins

I had a busy afternoon clinic today and when I reached home, I went straight to the television. Well, I don't really have much interest in who would win the Presidential election, but I jut couldn't help but to be curious.
So, Obama was re-elected. It didn't come as much if a surprise really. But the electoral process was certainly fascinating. I got the feeling that Obama underestimated Mitt Romney and nearly paid the ultimate price. And the he sure did receive a divine intervention in the form of Superstorm Sandy.
The momentum was with Romney prior to the last stretch, but with the hiatus created by the storm put a dampener to that. And while the East Coast recovered, Obama used his Presidential aura to get ahead. Well played that man!
So, Barack Obama remained the 44th President of the United States, be it by a smaller margin. And after having run his last political campaign of his career, one hope that he could concentrate on the issues that matters, for the global good. Fingers crossed!

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