Holy Macaroons

As I mentioned, I have never understood what the fuss was about as far macaroons were concerned. Last Monday, while at Bangsar Shopping Center with the boys and Puan Anita, we came across a booth apparently selling the world's best macaroon. I got curious and bought a couple of them - I was such a sucker.
I was allegedly air flown from Belgium, and was prepared by a gourmet chocolatier Pierre Ledent. After tasting some of his sample chocolates, I couldn't resist it anymore.
I must say that it was revelation. The macaroon I tried was raspberry cream, and I could literally tasted the explosion of the fruit in my mouth. The biscuit just melted in the mouth, with a very pleasing after taste. I really shouldn't say much more as I had hardly tasted any other macaroons before to make any comparison, but all I could attest to was it tasted exotic. I would definitely be buying more if only it was not too expensive.
Was it the best in the World? I really must try more macaroons before I could confirm that ...... But if you are curious, go ahead and experience it yourself. They have a booth at the main foyer at Bangsar Shopping Center where Gourmet used to be - it was now called Jasons Food Hall.

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