Kenduri Done

The kenduri went very well. The weather held up even though it was drizzling just before Zohor. The main thing was, we ran out of food, and plenty of people turned up. Everybody was happy.
I started the day early leaving for Subang for my Sunday morning round. Then a quick stop at Park City before rushing back to Bukit Antarabangsa. I arrived back with plenty of time before the guest started arriving for the doa. That started at 11.
The ceremony started on time. It was for Idlan and his cousin Adam who would be having khatan - circumcision - next Wednesday. We recited Yasin and doa before lunch. And lunch was great. Most of the food were catered for, butyl cooked her famous gulai ikan kering. We also had extra laksa and cendol. Those addition were really nice.
We invited mostly relatives and neighbour. Plus a few of Idlan's schoolmates. Idlan didn't look worried about the whole affair so far. Hopefully he won't create a scene when the morning come.

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