Exam Done

I was tasked with organising the Exit Exam for the aspiring Haematologist. We do this a couple of times a year, and it was my turn to be the host yesterday. It turned out to be hard work but we managed to pull it off. Clearly a Private Centre was never designed to do such thing but we would like to.thonk that Subang is a bit different. We have 3 Haematologists here for a start, so in terms of manpower it was feasible.
That capped up a busy week for me after Anita and my Mum taken ill, a busy call on Monday and a full week's activity. Since I've cancelled the clinic for tomorrow, I was really looking forward to some down time.
Anita had her follow-up with the Surgeon this morning. I would be taking my Mum to see the Cardiologist tomorrow. So, I have my schedule cut out for the coming few days. There was also a family wedding going on this weekend.

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