Staying In

I actually reached home early tonight and the plan was to visit my Mum as she was due for an appointment at IJN tomorrow morning. But I found myself feeling tired and decided to stay in instead.
The appointment tomorrow would be at 8 in the morning. Anita would be going with my Mum and sister, and I will be doing the ferrying for the boys to school before I leave for work. This being a school holiday should journey to Subang a bit more painless. But you could never know.
I was sure that my Mum would be apprehensive about what to expect tomorrow. Anita had been to IJN a few times when her Dad was admitted there previously. It was too late for me to reschedule my clinic tomorrow unfortunately. From what I gather, Mum may need to have more scans in the future, but tomorrow morning would be more of a consultation.
While I was at home. I took the time to sort out my photos from the last week. The Ezyroller outing was the main topic of discussion during dinner earlier. My father-in-law night want to come along the next time his grandchildren took the bike for a spin .....

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