Tokyo Street Anniversary

When I was at Pavilion today, I saw a commotion created by throng of photographers on the top floor. Apparently it was the second anniversary of Tokyo Street, and they had some events to mark that. Today, it was an Anime gathering. There were also competitions. But the whole place turned into Cosplay heaven.
And to that, also a photographer's heaven. I only had my hand phone with me instead of a proper camera. So, in just snapped away to what I could. Great fun though.
At one of the stage, there was an Anime character competitions being held. The participants would act their character and explain to the public what the character was about. Rather surreal to see that in Malaysia. I was sure in Tokyo proper, this would be quite a normal weekend activity.
Since I was rushing to get to Pasar Ramadan, I didn't have the time to find out what else would be going on as part of the celebration. Which was a shame. It would've made for a great photo opportunity.

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