Low Key

I haven't been updating the blog lately due to the combination of work and being under the weather. I was hit by a virus while doing my call on Sunday and to be honest, my muscles were aching so badly yesterday morning, I could hardly walk during my ward round.
I had to put myself on antibiotics, and took regular painkiller. My temperature shot up to 40C yesterday after work which got Puan Anita worried. I decided to have an early night but was woken up by a phone call at 3 in the morning. Couldn't sleep properly after that I was afraid.
At least, the muscle ache was more bearable this morning. Drove to work early and quickly settled in for my morning rounds. Then it was Park City and a meeting in town during lunch.
Afternoon clinic back in Subang came next before a quick evening round. I was supposed to attend a meeting at 6, but I don't think I could've survived that. I decided to head home for another early night.
I went straight for dinner, wrote some letters and other paperwork before settling into bed. Irfan was already fast asleep next to me while Idlan was finishing his homework at the sitting room.
I will be on call tomorrow, expecting another long day before settling in for the Aidil Adha weekend. Time to sleep then....

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