Kenduri Done

Alhamdulillah. The event ran smoothly and Idlan did his reading, although he was anxious all through out the event. He was happy to get it over and done with.
He got bored during the Yaseen reading as his feet were aching and he asked to sit beside me. The ceremony was almost done by then. I ended up not being able to take much photos as Idlan asked me to stay near him during the event. He was really nervous.
We spent the rest on the afternoon eating after that and Syahril stayed until after his daughter taken a nap before going home.
All in all, everybody had fun. Idlan was relieved afterwards and asked me to take him to watch Star Wars. That would have to wait until tomorrow I was afraid. I wanted to spent the rest of the day at home with the guests.
Good thing that my Mum's maid would be staying overnight tonight as there were plenty of cleaning needed to be done. I had only about fourth hours sleep last night despite it being post-call and I think I might just doze off early soon.
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