Bubbly Birthday

On Saturday, we attended another birthday party. This time in Bangi, at my ex-roommate's Syahril's place. It was their third son, Arman's seventh birthday. The term was Flash, but unfortunately we failed in the costume department.
Bouncy castle in the house!
A quick break in between running
Skills!Anita and the boys went there after having lunch with her friends, so I drove alone. When I reached there, Idlan and Irfan were already engrossed! They just couldn't get enough of them giant bubbles!
It looked like they enjoyed too much, even missing their cakes. I had time to catch up with friends, and the topic then was my trip - or rather non-trip - to climb Kinabalu. Anita vetoed it with no mercy!
Quick stop for ice cream
The cake is ready
Piñata bashed without mercy!
More snacks of course!The kids just couldn't get enough of their finger food. There was even an ice cream machine - dutifully operated by Syahril of course! The bubbles were definitely the big hit with everybody. By the time they were done, my boys' hair were covered with layers of soap. Shower time then ....

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