Xi Yang Yang Fishing Village

The Chinese New Year decorations at The Curve this year was an interesting one. The central foyer was again turned into a bazaar, and typical of yesteryears, they also had a small stage for performances. This time around the central area was completely transformed. Into a fishing village!
The concept was an old Chinese fishing village which you typically see in Kuala Selangor or other, complete with pools, boats and wooden platform. Rather neat, and I could see that management put in plenty of effort to make this happen.
This way for tickets
Nice soothing live traditional music
A real sampanWhen we were they, there was a music performance going on. The pool contained live koi fish - not something you'd expect to find in sea water villages! But cool none the less.
As usual, there were bazaars around the foyer - some on the platform themselves.
A spot of coffee? Not Starbucks obviously!
We topped off the night out with dinner. Irfan decided to stay in, so it was only Anita, Idlan and me who went out that night.

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