Lagi-Lagi Gila-Gila Part II

Last month, I learned that Galeri Petronas was preparing for an exhibition to celebrate Gila Gila. As usual, they did a great job - I'm being sarcastic here - at announcing the project. I waiting a few weeks as there no need to be heard. And finally it was launched.
Anita and I didn't wait long to join along. And it was a trip down memory lane. We thoroughly enjoyed the fare. There were many original drawing with colourful inking on display. Some of them were quite magnificent. The curation was also pretty decent although they could've done a better job in making sure that the artwork were hanged properly with more background stories to read.
The artwork could have been displayed in a better layout
The unmistakeable Ujang. The boy-next-door everybody can relate to.
Lipat-lepat! Some origami skill needed!
The old coverMost of the exhibits were just practically glued to the wall of the gallery. The lighting were also pretty haphazard with too many empty spaces. I learned that in a couple of weeks, one of the former cartoonist would be present at the exhibition. But I doubt if he could offer any real I sight into the early operations of Gila Gila, something I wouldn't mind paying money for to hear. I felt that the a ole exhibition didn't receive much input from the original artists. Too many gaps in the exhibit to make the whole thing flow.
But all in all, a commandable effort from all patties involved. I highly recommend everyone to attend this exhibition and hopefully in the future, there would be many more of such shows.
Another character, Matt Romeo. Check out the hair!
Tiga Dara Pingitan. Sabotaged by my boys!
Those little titbits!
More food for thoughts!
Wise words
At the exit, you could put in your personal touch to the magazine coverGaleri Petronas is located on the third floor of Suria KLCC. Admission to the Lagi Lagi Gila Gila was free and photography was allowed. Patron were even encouraged to post their photos on social media. Great work!
Click here for Part I of this write-up. More information about Galeri Petronas and their other activities here. Some great commentary on GIla-GIla here at Naskah Percuma blog.The slidevideo for the visit here.
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