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Entries in balik kampung (3)


Sawah Time

Buoyed from yesterday's adventure through the kampong, we decided to venture further this morning. It started out with first Puan Anita and me riding our bikes to the end of the kampong to find a spot to take the boys later on. The weather has been kind. It was cool and quiet. The sun was hidden, mixed with the sound of the jungle and flowing river, it was easier to lie in bed rather than venturing out.

Right from outside my window this morningThe adventure beginsAt least we did not have to wake up early. My Mum-in-laws has left for the morning market well before 7.30. We enjoyed a lie in and only got out from the room after hearing the minivan moving into the garage. Idlan and Irfan were still asleep then, and they were about to wake up when we took to the bike after breakfast. After 15 minutes peddling, we can across a paddy field. We decided to push on and later discovered that there was a much simpler route to take the boys to see the fields. Since it was raining the whole of yesterday, it was rather muddy. Therefore we took the boys put before they had their shower. And oh boy were they excited.

The paddy field was within walking distance, but Idlan insisted on taking his bicycle. He came out first as Irfan was still having breakfast at the time. He could not atop running. I went back later to fetch Irfan. There were so many questions. They were asking us why we did not rake their boots with us from KL so that they can walk in the mud. Their enthusiasm stopped short after my story about the leeches and other blood-sucking creatures. They were left to explore the flora, and were so mesmerized with semalu, and how quickly they retract when they touched them. Another lengthy explanation ensues.

When the dust settled, it was time to eatThey finally gave up after half an hour and started the argument on who should be on the bike. It was Irfan's turn. We have just finished packing when I completed the draft. I will pepper in the pics later after I reach KL. Our driver will be at the helm today, so I'll likely be surfing on the iPhone all the way up. We planned to stop at Tapah for some kuih pau later.

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Kuala Kangsar Weekend

We made it to Kuala Kangsar. It has been a while since we last went to our kampong house there. The boys were really excited. Since one of our cousin was looking after the place for us, everything was spick and span when we arrived. It has been raining in the last couple of weeks so we were expecting the worst. It did not rain and it only took us two and a half hour to get there from KL in our minivan.

Hungry when we arrivedWe had Upin and Ipin to thank for keeping the boys quiet during the journeyWe stopped by the town center when we reached there to get some laksa. That hit the spot certainly. I was just done enjoying it when I wrote this blog. The boys were jumping up and down in the bedroom after done running the whole length of the house while we were having laksa.

Finally made it!.... and laksa was servedWe had a few things planned for tomorrow but they pretty much depend on the weather. What ever it was, we will definitely be hitting the morning market first thing. Not sure what next though. We shall wait and see.


Return to Padang Kota

After Carnivall, Julia decided to travel to Penang to visit our Grandmother, and we brought the whole troupe round. We reached there just before the traffic jam and had a quick stop at Pahang Road. Before Maghrib, we went to Padang Kota for a spot of laksa.

For some reason, the laksa was rather poor that evening. Maybe we ordered at the wrong stall. Even the pasembor was a bit off. But with all their cousins around, my boys were rather occupied with playing and never complained. A lot have changed at Padang Kota. It used to be a more open and happening place with food stalls lining up the streets. With Penang status as a Unicef Heritage City, there had to ‘clean their act’ so to speak and off went the hawkers. Instead, they were placed in purpose-built eatery, with the non-halal stalls occupying the front and prime end. A few years back, there were pickets going on, but it was quickly squashed by the politicians. The Malay politicians were busy filling up their own coffers I’m afraid rather than looking after the locals. Sad to say in it? I guess it was down to the pressure of getting more tourists in. The Mat Salleh of course like their drink.

However, the place has been much cleaner than I remembered although a lot more could have been done. A new pavement, more parking slots, cleaner toilets for a start I supposed. The boys spent the time at the playground until they were tired. It was not bad going considering they had been at the water park all day earlier.

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