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Entries in Blog (9)


Updating a Pain

I went through my blog entries during my travel and felt that I'd better put everything in a proper link pages. And when doing that, there were gaps and some entries which had yet to be uploaded onto the server.

So, for the last couple of days, I have been frantically uploading those entries as well as uploading the slideshows from my SmugMug site. Those took some doing, and I still got a few which needed sorting up. And then, work got in the way and after getting the calls out of the way, I should have some free time this weekend.

I would need to get all the entries for the Kyoto and Lugano trips in sequence and put them into a neat link page. Hmmmmm ..... Hive me anoyher couple of days.

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Mid-Life Crisis?

Not only that I managed to compile the Singapore links into one coherent group, I revamped the whole page as well. Instead of dark theme which I favor, everything now becomes much lighter. It may have caused havoc with my previous posts in terms of alignment, but I would be working on that. Otherwise, everything was working perfectly - the beauty of Squarespace I supposed. The chance of theme was just a click away ….

I'll keep this new theme for the next few days and see what comes of it. Some of my photos tended to come up better with a dark background. But maybe some of the other would turn up better instead. Well, why not have a change. The last theme has been up for the last 18 months. My wife must be wondering if I am going through a mid-life crisis!

Anyhow, all the links for Singapore are now up and running. Even the slideshows onto the sister photography blog were also linked up. I still have a few entry on the trips needing to be written, but I am sure I would get them done by the weekend. I'll make do with what I have at the moment.

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Afternoon stop

Just finished my Jumaat prayers, so I thought I grab a quick bite before the afternoon chores. Got a couple of families I need to talk too, then off for some paperwork. Blogging certainly not as taxing as it was back in 1997 when I maintained my first website during the time I was UK UMNO Youth Chief .... I should have stayed in politics, likely I will make more money than just being a measly Haematologist. Back then, updating anything on the website took ages, due to combination of unintuitive interfaces and slow internet connection.

Nowaways, updating blogs can be done on the fly. For this blog, I use a client built into the website I learned about it from listening to Leo Laporte's This Week in Tech podcast, getting a 10% discount I thought I might just as well utilise the 14 days free trial. I got hooked since. The interface is neat and I am sure anyone can afford the reasonable price structure - No, I am not being paid for this advert. I then took a step further and bought myself this domain name through If you are serious about blogging, find a decent tool, get yourself a decent domain and off you go!

Since uploading my update last night I have received request for more tips. I will try my best for later tonight. So talk to you again then.


Score being settled

Spent the whole day synchronising my blogs and creating some workflow going. Also had to transfer a large chink of my photo files between my drives, both in the clouds and on the ground. The internet connection has not been kind due t the bad weather today. It has been mostly raining.

Will be back to work tomorrow, then off to JB to give a Febrile Neutropenia update there.


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