Catching Up with the Blog

The hotel was not blessed with wifi, but it more than made it up with the isolation and cosiness. And I have converted the mall sitting room into my blog space, with a nice view to boot overlooking a couple of windows on two sides.
I could imagine doing a manuscript uninterrupted in this kind of setting. It could do with a small heater when it was cold at night though ... but as it was, it was perfect!
And now for the small matter of waking up the boys for breakfast. I wished that I could spent all morning in here just writing and reading ....
It had been a while since I last tinker with the blog. To be quite honest, I couldn't be bothered with the hassle of it. Most of the time, things ran fine - as promised by Squarespace when I singed up 6 years ago.
I could do with a bit of customising but since the platform was upgraded to version 7 - mine is still at version 5 - some of the visual upgrade had been long time coming. I thought about having a third party doing a bit of sprucing up on the blog but in the end, couldn't even get to that!
So, while looking around, I felt that the indexing system of the blog could do with a bit of manual editing. So, I decided to look back at all of the entry - at my own pace obviously - and index them myself. Some may need deleting since the photos were missing etc, some would need updating of the photos, but most of them looked good to go. I only managed to go back to late 2014 so far. Still 5 more years worth of entries needing looking into. That should keep me busy for the coming few weeks ....
Since Wednesday morning, the loading time for the blog had lagged tremendously through my broadband connection. It fared better on P1 and LTE. If just be some peering issue with Time Fibre.
I had plenty of updates to do from my trip last week and with such slow connection, it was just too painful.
Hopefully it improved by today as I won't be able to spend too much time next week with work stepping up a gear into full swing. Let's hope that the lag disappears.
Broken SquareSpace
I have been using SquareSpace for more than 5 years and with innovation, there was bound to be issued. And that certainly what happened to the iOS app for the blogging platform.
The app now no longer support Square space version 5 which my blog still used - because that was the most advanced version back in 2009.
SquareSpace released version 6 of the program back in 2011 and I was one of the beta tester for the new update. I used it for close to 6 months before the version matured and went out of beta. Over the years, development of version 5 were put in the back burners. And the main problem was, those two versions were not compatible. Upgrading from 5 to 6 did take plenty of work.
I decided against updating this blog and now I found myself having to either use the Android version of the SquareSpace app, which I was also a beta tester, or updating it manually on the web. The app were no longer available for download from iTunes, so I my have to update my iPhone manually from the Mac to get the old app back.
It was a pain. What would happen when version 7 come along? There would be another app update and those using the older version may suffer the same problem as I did.
It looked like I may just have to do the. Prating the old fashion way with the new phone.
Problem solved by manually uploading the Squarepace App from my iTunes backup onto my new iPhone. End of the World everted!