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Entries in cleaning (16)


Cleaning Up

It the past week, Anita had been coming to the apartment almost everyday. She had been cleaning the place and getting ideas about doing the place up. And on days such as today, I would try to join her there, and have lunch with her.

Most of the cleaning were done, and now she had moved on to the next phase. Decorating. Now, that would be the expensive part. Anyhow, I have got the internet and cable TV sorted out. The bills were also done, and we were looking forward to spend some time here. So far, it was only me who had spent a night here, and as I would be on call again tomorrow, I would be spending time here again.

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More Clear-out

The last bit of stuff were finally taken out from my room at UMMC. I did that last Sunday morning - when nobody were around. There plenty of garbage needed clearing in the end.

The corridor from my officeCareful out there. Seen at the third floor corridor. The second door walkway had been blocked.New coat of paint at Pasar Siti Khadijah. Yes, it was purple.The Academic Staff carpark was empty. This being a Sunday.As planned, I did not bump into anybody at all in the morning. UMMC as usual was having renovations again. This time, they were doing up Pasar Siti Khadijah - a new coat of paint and a new ceiling. It was fungus-laden anyhow and was in need replacing - badly ….

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A Quiet Day at the Office

I was hoping for a quiet day to sneak some stuff out from my room without bumping into anybody. Today seemed ideal, being a public holiday, but it turned out that there was a small party going on at the Faculty area. The place was buzzing and the cafeteria was opened.

I managed to get some stuff into the car and clear up the mess in my room but I decided against bringing along the hampers in my room. People might look at me funny if I were to do that. So, for the meantime, I was hoping that the party quieten down a bit after the Jumaat prayers.

As for this evening, it would be quiet night in, since Anita has an outing planned with her friends for her birthday. I would be left alone to babysit the boys. Expect mayhem!

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Cleaning Time

It was a shock for me when I arrived in the ward this morning for my ward round. All the patients had been moved around and things were stacked up at the corridors. A nightmare scenario wading through the ward as all the patients were squeezed into a small room. The main ward floor were being polished. Spring cleaning time!

In the last few years, since the major renovation were done on Menara Timur where my ward was located, we have had problems with infection. The renovation in the last year were directly below my ward. Since then, we had been doing regular cleaning and polishing - I think the major clean-up were being done every three months. The results from this intensive cleaning had been very good. It was rather inconvenient on the day though, but being clean is important!

I couldn't wait to get out from the ward with the noise from the machines, as well as the smell of the chemicals they poured onto the floor was driving me nuts. If I felt bad, imagine what it would be like as a patient?

Finished the rounds, and is now enjoying the air-conditioning in my room. Argh! Careful! I might fall asleep. Hunger is a potent inducer for sleep for me!

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Desk Clear-up

So, after the boys were settled in school, Anita went out for some shopping with her Mum, leaving me alone at home. Had plenty of chores though, and I planned to clean up my desk. There were full of junks and the old receipts were everywhere.

Managed to get my act together, and sat down, going through each of the papers and drawers one by one. Found old letters, photographs and certificates from the meetings I have attended over the years. The shredder machine would be working overtime later as some of the documents were quite sensitive, especially bits from my research data. Those would need to be disposed of properly.

Apple does make some nice boxes. Shame that this would need to go into the bin as well.By the time I was done, it was time to fetch Irfan from school. Another chore needed doing later though - to buy stamps for my Hari Raya cards. I'll probably do it later when I go out to Pasar Ramadhan. I would fancy taking my camera out to shoot some Raya decor though.

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