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Entries in Dark Side of the Moon (1)


Transformers 3

As I mentioned in the previous entry, we had a nice time celebrating a birthday party of one of Idlan's classmate at the cinemas. And Transformers 3 did not disappoint. Cue the usual Michael Bay hyperbole, over the top special effects, slow motion macho shots, hot babes and understated heroes.

Of the three movies on the chain, this was the best. The focus of the movie we're clearly on the Transformers themselves rather than the hot babes or the human characters. Even the special effects were tone down to make it more believable, and not to undermine the main action. And actions they were. The storyline this time around was more on the struggle of Optimus Prime in dealing with his identity, specifically dealing with the place where he was from, Cybertron. The idols that he worshiped in the past were not who he was ..... and I shall leave it at that.

The human characters from the the first couple of installments were back, except for Megan Fox of course. But to be honest, we did not really miss much without her as the new love interest was equally as hot. The main protagonist this time was more on Optimus, with the antagonist being Sentinel. It was action-packed as you would expect, but the usual comedic moment - watch for Deep Wang. Even John Turturro was back to reprise his role.

Of the three movies in the series, this must have been the most matured in terms of story development if you can call it that. There were many gaps in the story however, and some of the conjectures being made took some believing. The first part of the movie however reflected the director's, Michael Bay frustration with the general reception of the first couple of movies. The main character, Sam found himself jobless despite saving the world twice, paralleling what happened to Bay in essence. Despite making blockbusters after blockbusters, he has yet to find any formal recognition of his efforts. Once the melodramatic was over, the real action picked up, and it was relentless from the first 30 minutes onwards.

I left the theater with a broad smile. If it was a feel good movie, it certainly succeeded. The pace was furious and despite the movie running over two hours, I hardly felt it. Initially, my boys were restless, but once the action started picking up, they were glued on to their seats. By the end, they were asking me to get them the toys from the movie - clearly a success on the Bay's part. I had reservation however concerning taking young children to watch the movie. Some of the scripts were rather crude - especially for children who do understand English - and some of the sequence - the humans disintegrating into skulls upon being shot by aliens and the blood-like material coming out of some of the Decepticon characters after being hit - we're quite gruesome. So, parents discretion were very important.

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