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Entries in discussion (1)


3 weeks to go

Yes, and that was 20 days to go, if you count it that way. After the photowalk with Kam Raslan today, we congregated in KLCC to have some more discussion about the upcoming KLickrs in Urbanscapes, and today we mainly concentrating on the shape of our booth.

The original plan was to have a separate show area for slides as well as have the main exhibition area for photographic activities and other stuffs. We originally wanted to host the photo show in a bus. We would also be on the day, highly dependent on mobile Internet. We just hoped that the weather would be kind, as should it be raining, most of our major plans, or the Urbanscapes itself would be doomed.

The area given to us was actually quite big, measuring 12 by 12 meters. We had to get some help in optimizing the space, a designer of sort. Shafina had some friends of her on board to help out. There was also the matter of budget. Apart from the space and some basic facilities, the organizer was not able to provide much.

My task for the day was to engineer a way of integrating user experience in terms of photo uploads into Facebook. We would be having a mini competitions where uploaded photos would be judged on the number of likes from the public. I would still have to study the idea out as I was still unclear on a few things. Luckily, I have already had a few days off booked up around the time of the show.

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