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Entries in Idlan's 7th (1)


Party preparations

It turned out that preparation for Idlan's party at school this Friday turned out to be more complicated than usual. Initially we wanted to do just a close family affair. Unfortunately, after getting a couple of presents on Monday from his classmates, he went all excited and told his teacher than there would be a class party this Friday! So, we had to conjure up something for it.

This morning, Anita spent a few hours in Bangsar sorting out the cakes and party packs. The pizza were already confirmed from the other night, and all that was left were some drinks and tidbits. Anita was confident everything would be doted for the day, although I had to come home early today to help here pick the cakes up.

After that, it should be Kung Fu Panda on Saturday morning, provided that the weekend ward rounds were sorted out, of course!