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Entries in office (7)


The Swings of Things

Back to the office but it had been a quiet day so far. And the big news this morning was obviously the resignation of Fabio Capello, and I spent most of the morning catching up with news and paperwork.

One thing I understand about English football is they have a different mentality. For them, it was all about gut rather than guile. It doesn't matter if you were good or bad at it, as long as you show effort, the English loves it. They love a trier. even if the trier is a loser. That's why sublime players such as Berbatov never caught on with the fan. His gangly style looked as if he wasn't trying.

Unfortunately, even though he had been at his job since 2007, Capello never did learn the English mentality. To his own detriment.

Meanwhile, at home, Anita was busy planning the day for Irfan. We were not planning any parties this time as this year it would be Idlan's turn. He was still buzzing about the Singapore trip anyway.

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A Quiet Day at the Office

I was hoping for a quiet day to sneak some stuff out from my room without bumping into anybody. Today seemed ideal, being a public holiday, but it turned out that there was a small party going on at the Faculty area. The place was buzzing and the cafeteria was opened.

I managed to get some stuff into the car and clear up the mess in my room but I decided against bringing along the hampers in my room. People might look at me funny if I were to do that. So, for the meantime, I was hoping that the party quieten down a bit after the Jumaat prayers.

As for this evening, it would be quiet night in, since Anita has an outing planned with her friends for her birthday. I would be left alone to babysit the boys. Expect mayhem!

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