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Entries in Prize (1)


Take a Bow

As customary, the last few days at school would be prize-giving and party. As for both Idlan and Irfan, the party came first. The prize-giving happened on the very last day of school, last Friday morning.

It started off with the speechesIrfan at the front rowIdlan was practically jumping up and down as his name was readCareful not to drop those certs ....I managed to drop by before starting my clinic. As Irfan has another year in kindy, he was not on stage. There were no prizes for them. It was Idlan who got a few and was gleaming and grinning on stage as his name was read. Irfan was looking on at the front row, clapping as his brother bowed on stage. I was sure he was planning for his prizes in a couple of years time.

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