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Entries in school (61)


Settling In

It had been a while since I last seen Idlan enjoying school. He had been dragging himself to class in the last couple of years. Now he was happily doing his homework and chatting with me about his experiences in school.

He also tried something new. He takes his bus daily now and the only drawback was he had to get up very early. He would need to get used to that... Hopefully he would continue to enjoy school from now on.

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A New Beginning

Idlan had been to Sri Utama for 9 years, starting with 3 years of kindie and all his Sekolah Rendah years. During the years, a number of his friends had left to other schools. Idlan stayed as it was convenient for us as Anita’s parents lived quite nearby, and Irfan was going to the same school as well.

Early this month, Idlan sat for his UPSR. And with that, we decided it was time to move on. Idlan was not keen to take SPM, preferring GCSE and A-levels instead. He made his mind up early.

That also started our search for a new school.

We visited a few, but at the end was happy with a couple. We let Idlan select between the final two.

And he wanted this one. He had to sit for an interview and can entrance assessment, which should have taken 4 and a half hours. He finished after two, having to write a couple of essays along the way. He was really pumped up to go to this school.

I wonder what was Anita signing ...Waiting for his tutor to take him to his classLast week came the news that there was an opening. The tutor mentioned how impressed they were with Idlan’s communications skills and he was exempted from any extra English classes. And better still, he jumped a year, and was now equivalent to Form Two, since the school terms starts in September.

This morning, I took him for his first day. We were greeted by his tutor, and within 2 minutes was whisked away. Looking forward to hear of his experience later this afternoon. As for us, we decided to have breakfast near school to wait for the morning traffic to dissipate.

Quick breakfast before heading back to work ....Welcome to the new school Idlan. I was sure you were going to love it …..

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Back to School

After almost 3 weeks of Easter Break, the boys were back to school this morning. They were still tired from yesterday's travel - plus some last minute rush to finish their homework. Idlan especially was still groggy this morning.

It would be all action for him today as he has his tuition until 10 tonight. Expect him to be grumpy later ...

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School Break

The boys would be having their last day of school today. The school will be closed for about 3 weeks and they were looking forward to have a quick break. Anita got something planned but I have yet to find out what they were. But I was sure it would include a short outing later tonight. The boys needed a haircut as well.

As for me, it would be another on call weekend, before the upcoming Malaysian Society of Haematologist meeting next week. I would be giving a talk as well as be involved in other meetings and discussions. I would also have to get my camera gear sorted out as I would be doing some photography during the event.

As for this morning, for some reason the blood tests came back rather quickly and my patients came on time. As a result, I was able to do some paperwork before walking across to the masjid for the prayers. It looked like it is going to be sunny. Better get something to drink on the way there.

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Back to Havoc

So, school started yesterday for the boys and they have collected mountains of homework already in the last couple of days. Back to the usual routine and Idlan had been sulking all evening.

So, we went through his syllabus and found out that in maths especially, there was nothing much new compared to last year, only that the concept were explored in more details.

Idlan got bored after a while and gave up when it came to Bahasa Melayu. He was never into languages I was afraid, but the thing was for UPSR, 4 of the 6 assessment would be in languages. He better get himself sorted soon.

So, we did the homework together after he came back from tuition earlier and soon after he was begging to go to bed. Poor boy!

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