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Entries in stall (2)


That was Early

Ramadan was due to start on Sunday, a good couple of days from today. As usual, being Friday evening, we went out for dinner. A quick check on Waze showed that the city centre was packed tonight. Therefore, we decided to go to The Curve.

Took us a good 45 minutes to get there with multiple crawl along NKVE and getting into the car park.

After dinner, we walked towards the lobby and we were surprised that all the stalls were already up. Everything was geared up for Eid. A month early.

I remembered in the years past, the decor usually went up during the first week of Ramadan. We were not expecting the stalls to go up. The shops mainly sold wears for Eid. Clothing and accessories.

Rather more expensive than I thought.

The boys had already got their clothes sorted out. Anita already got hers. I was the only one left out, so we went for a quick look for mine. Nothing caught my fancy though. The colours we wanted were out of stock. One of the shop owner promised to call Anita when the new stock arrives.

It was a pleasant walk in the end. Now, we just reached home and Irfan was in a rather bad mood. He was tired maybe. They had just finished their exams for the Quran class today. ‎

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Pasar Malam Kepala Batas

Given half a chance, I would definitely prefer a free Saturday evening at my kampung, Kepala Batas. The reason, the Saturday evening market, or pasar malam.

I would definitely stop at the laksa buyung stalls, ais kacang and apom balik. I was not expecting much from today, being the fifth day of Aidilfitri. But I was lucky this evening. I managed to catch all three.

The famous laksa buyung. This was the third generation in the family selling it.It was the special claypot where the broth were cooked that gave the name to "buyung".We were early, plus it was only a few days after Aidilfitri.

I remember coming to the Pasar Malam since I was in Primary School. Back then, it was an evening pit with my classmates. We would congregate at one of my friends' houses, go to the mosque for Maghrib Prayers, before going over to the Pasar Malam.

Before Aidilfitri, I got in touch with one of these friends but he would be away during the weekend at his in-laws. Would love to hook up with these lot again and catch up on old times.

For the time being, time to enjoy my laksa.

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