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Entries in stationaries (2)


Czip Lee Plus, Bangsar

During the time Idlan was at the Lego camp and Anita having her facial, I ventured out across the road to Czip Lee. Not the main branch, but a relatively new store, called Czip Lee Plus, and it held the biggest collection of Molskine in town. Far bigger a collection than Kinokuniya or Tango Mango. Or even both of them put together!

They even had bags, envelopes, pen and small cases. And even reading glasses. Much like the collection I saw when I was in London. It was not cheap mind! So, naturally I bought something LOL! Sucker! Now I know where to get my Moleskine fix in town!

The staff there also appeared knowledgeable of the products. They also had a mean selection of Lamy pen - another favorite of mine. Some of the models they had there, I have yet to see being sold anywhere else in town. The shop is located across the road from Bangsar Village II, right opposite delicious, along Jalan Telawi 4. More information on their website here.

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Tango with the Mango

Tango Mango was one of the shops which should have had a sign at the front entrance. Not to advertise the place, but to serve as a warning. "Enter at your peril!". For the last couple of times I entered the place, both myself and Puan Anita ended up spending close to RM 500 on the stuffs there. Yes, we nearly did the same again today. Anita needed to buy some birthday gifts for her friends. She ended up buying some for herself as well.

I always go the for my Moleskine fix. It was one of those joint which was always well-stocked as far as Moleskine were concerned. There were a few other shops in town, Czip Lee and Kinokuniya among others who stock Moleskine, but almost always, I never got to buy the books I wanted. I ended up having to compromise or to come back on another day. Not here. I got my usual A5-sized plain pages, as well as a smaller one for my lab coat - that one was almost done. I ended up buying a couple of each. The next purchase was a fountain pen. The pen I was currently using courtesy of Idlan for my last birthday has ended up with a wobbly nib. I can hardly used it now. I have another fountain pen, but I didn't really like the nib. It was too narrow. I also have another, a Mont Blanc which I only save for the odd occasion.

I bought a Lamy. The broadest tip which I can find. And the one which have a valve and a tank, so that I did not have to spend on cartridges. Got my selection, and walked out happy. Anita was also impressed with her purchases. She bought a couple of recipe books as gifts. The ones which has slots for recipe cut outs from magazines and newspapers.

No. We we're not done yet. We found some Kalkitos here. You know, the transferable films from the 80s. I used to be crazy on those, and it was a surprise that it made a comeback.

So if you were looking for cute little gifts for birthday and other things, or fancy cards, wrap peers and stationaries, do give Tango Mango a visit. It was located on the first floor of The Curve in Mutiara Damansara. The Uncle behind the counter also does some fancy wrapping, although the service can be slow as the staffs there prefer to indulge their customer asking what they were looking for and were eager to help.