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Entries in UPSR (5)


Cookie Reflection

A few days had passed since the UPSR results came out. Idlan didn't want me to go into anything specific but suffice to say that he did fine.

He had settled well at his new school and the UPSR results did not carry much weight for his immediate future plans. We won't be applying to any other schools and most of my friends who had children at a similar age with Idlan must be feeling the pressure now. The results would determine which school they would enrolled for their secondary years.

On reflection, I was glad that Idlan wasn't put through the pressure of tuitions like most of his classmate had to go through. We had tutors coming to our house but they were mainly to help him with his concentration and exam techniques. He did most of the revising himself, but he got bored easily. The tutors came and helped him think out of the box and relate the subjects to real life situation. He enjoyed that.

We also had a BM tutor coming over because frankly his Bahasa Melayu was pretty weak. We always made sure that his weekends were free and he had time for his video games and other things.

Yes, we had a lot of pressure from others for not taking him through extra lessons but I always believe that going to school was not just about passing exams. At the beginning of the year, I gave him the choice of either to sit the UPSR or just go straight into I-GCSE. He decided for the former because most of his friends were taking the exams as well. His school had been putting too much emphasis on exams and I was never comfortable with that notion.

So, the deal was to change school as soon as he was done with the UPSR. Within a few days of completing UPSR, Idlan was gone. He went into Year 8 in another school across town.

When the exam results came out, we were more excited about it than Idlan himself. We always believed that exams are to gauge knowledge, not memory. We were happy that there were plenty of KBAT (higher level thinking questions) rather than the standard ones. Idlan felt that the result should be OK, and it was.

His new school is something completely different to Sri Utama, his previous one. There were more emphasis on character development and extracurricular activities. He was doing experiments rather than reading about them. When he had arts class, everything was provided down to the crayons and papers. He was really enjoying his class - despite having to get on the bus at 6.30 in the morning.

Last Thursday for instance - the day the UPSR results came out - he didn't want to follow us to Sri Utama to pick up his results because he had a class event. The class was having a poetry day with a "slam poet" coming all the way from England.

With his UPSR done, it looked like we would be taking a sabbatical from the National Curriculum. I hope that one day, the emphasis would come back to character-building, leadership and extracurricular activities. We were building a human being, not a machine ...

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Here We Go

It’s finally here. Idlan was finally sitting for the #UPSR. Towards the end, it was Anita who looked more tense than Idlan, but that would be only natural. This would be the first major exam for any of her children, and of course who would be worried.

Idlan took some time before sleeping last night. He was full of energy and when he woke up this morning, he was rearing to go. I was sure that he would be asleep come this afternoon after the paper was done.

It would be Bahasa Malaysia today, and he learned all the formats as required. Some aspects of the test were far too technical for me, and truth be told, I was never that good at the languages.

Tomorrow would be English - another couple of papers - before going into his favourite subjects of Math and Sciences on the final couple of days of the exams.

Haircut for the examFriday? He would be sitting for an aptitude test at his next school, so the exam would only be done for him on Friday afternoon.

He looked ready when he left the door this morning. I hope he would be as cheerful when he returned later this afternoon.


UPSR Fever

There would be another couple of months before UPSR. Idlan had already finished the school syllabus and in the coming weeks, his lessons would be focused on exam techniques and revisions. His trial exams would start this Friday, but the plan had to be put on hold as today he was absent again. His diarrhoea returned and Irfan had started vomiting after school and he was asleep on the couch now.

We were in Gombak as Idlan had Bahasa Malaysia class this evening - when we usually tag along for some food truck snacks. Earlier today, Anita and I went to Menara Star in town to enrol him on a weekend camp for the exams. He wanted us to register him in as his whole class were going.

The lobby at Menara StarWhat Idlan was currently reading ...Finally Idlan seemed to be interested in his exams. I asked him earlier in the year if he wanted to take the UPSR exam as he would be very likely start I-GCSE at the end of the year. He said he wanted to at least take the exam. But he hardly put any effort in, although he seemed to be able to do the questions.

Now that he wanted extra classes - likely due to peer pressure - maybe he would put just a bit more time into studying. He would rather be reading Malcolm Gladwell and his "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series than be caught reading his textbooks! And spent most of his free time doing origami and sudoku. He said it relaxed his mind ....

Well, good luck to him!

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Idlan's New Desk

After a 3 day delay, Idlan finally got his desk. Parked right by his window, it certainly looked nice. The lights was great as well.

Now, all I needed to do would be to convince him to start studying. UPSR was only 4 months off ....

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Good Luck Imran

It seems that Imran - my nephew - would be the first of my Mum's grandchildren to be taking a major school exams. The UPSR starts tomorrow, and after getting a decent result in the trials, I was sure he would be fine.

I still owe him that birthday present though. Anyhow. Good luck Imran!

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