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Entries in workstation (1)


iMac. Therefore I am.

I know. It has been a couple of days since I updated the blog. I have been busy. Busy configuring the new iMac. Finally had to buy one since the 6 year-old iMac G5 gone kaput last month. Managed to salvage some of the data out but updating all the new apps into the new unit took me quite a while.

Then came the iOS 4.3 update for the iPhone. I finished upgrading the iPhone just now. Next will be the iPad. But first things first. I had to take Anita for some errands tonight, getting ready for the School Sports Day tomorrow. I will be taking the 7D along and shooting videos with it since I have enough firepower to do some HD editing using the new iMac. Looking forward to that. Might be uploading some to YouTube. The account has been kind of lonely of late .....