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Entries in Xmas 2012 (2)


Xmas Dinner

I was about to leave the hospital to get back to the apartment for a quick shower and microwave dinner when I found out that Anita and the boys would be out with my in-laws for dinner. The boys wanted Chinese, so we went to my Dad's favourite at Corus Hotel.

Anita had just arrived at the restaurant when I called her. And since I was already in the car, I decided to head to the hotel as well. Luckily the traffic wasn't too bad, although it was a crawl in front of Sunway Pyramid.

The hotel was packed with people having their Christmas dinner at the main cafe, full of singing and drinking. There were live bands playing, and people mingling about. The Chinese restaurant - Ming Palace - was a lot more sedate. And we were able to have the dinner in peace. The food was already served when I arrived, and being hungry from work, I went straight for the food. Much better than the microwave dinner I would have otherwise in store.

By the time I was done with dinner, I already had a couple of patients waiting for me at the hospital. I went straight in, and was back the apartment by midnight. Shower only came after that ....

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Smells Like Xmas

It was still 40 days away from Xmas, but Malaysian loved their festivities and mall decorations. I had an unexpected free afternoon yesterday, and after the morning rounds, set out towards Bukit Bintang camera in hand.

Pavilion had this tradition of elaborate decorations, especially for Xmas. This year was a bit more toned down, but extravagant none the less. I wasn't clear about the theme yet. It wasn't very obvious. There was a huge carriage in then middle of the main foyer. For the kids, there was also a small train on rails which went around in circle. The children would love it. My boys mn right be a bit to on big for that.

I walked further towards Fahrenheit. The were celebrating Doraemon's 100 birthday. Nothing fancy there as yet.

Come December, most of the other malls would catch up and start erecting their displays. I would be taking my cameras doing the rounds of course ....

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