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Pingu School for Irfan

Entrance to the School

I'm on leave today. First thing's first. Have to go through the checklist. Amongst the things needing sorting out is getting Irfan and Idlan to see their Paediatrician in Pantai Hospital. At least Irfan did not freak out this time and that took skill!

One of the classroom

Next up, pre-school for Irfan. Destination - Jalan Telawi, Bangsar. Venue - Pingu School. Toot! Toot! Oh My God! They couldn't stop running. The school was empty at the time. While we were chatting with the teacher, both of them were of course watching Pingu.

The boys naturally was watching Pingu

The school is next to the familiar Madam Kwan's restaurant opposite Bangsar Village II. It was right at the top floor. The program were divided into three stages according to age and reading ability, from three onwards. We have to start from the basic for Irfan. 

Pingu saying Goodbye

The class is opened from Monday to Saturday and classes last for an hour, three times a week. Our main concern is leaving Irfan alone at the school. We are sure there will be drama. We enrolled him for a month starting in May. We will then see how things goes. The school days are still not planned since it pretty much depends on how many students joined up.

As for me. Need to rush to get a pair of gym shoes. Playing badminton tonight with the ex-Terendakians.

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Reader Comments (4)

those memorable drama... will be always unforgettable...

to school.... !!!

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpilocarpine

To school!

April 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterHaris Abdul Rahman

the school looks interesting! how is the overall feel and the quality of the school? how do kids find it? how good do you think are the teachers and the concept of Pingu's school as per your experience so far?

i am collecting as much info i can. hope to hear from you soon.

kind regards


June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrohit rajpal

Hey Rohit,

Sorry for the late reply as I was trying to see if you left your email for me to contact you directly with. Unfortunately there aren't any. Irfan has been going to the school for a good couple of months now. He has certainly improved. Initially he preferred to speak in Malay, but now, he prefers English. His vocabulary is expanded. But the most important thing is, he concentrates better. Before this he tended to be on the hyperactive side. He is still is, but now he can concentrate on things better should he wished to.

The school itself is still being developed. At last count, there were only 5 students, or less. Since the students comes at different times, Irfan's teaching is on a one-to-one basis. The drawback to that is, there was no chance to develop interpersonal interaction skills with his peers. The teachers were also flexible. On a few occasions, Irfan was ill and were unable to attend class. We managed to arrange extra lessons with no fuss. Fees were very reasonable and the course material is also of good quality. So far, I have no major complaints. Thumbs up from us.

July 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterHaris Abdul Rahman

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