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Entries in Bangsar Village (39)


Pumpkin Invasion

You can tell that Halloween was around the corner when there pumpkins aplenty when you walk around Bangsar Village.

There had been around for the last couple of weeks and we were about 10 days away from the end of the month. Maybe they had extra stocks this year ...

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Not a Bad Selection

During one of my late morning stop in Bangsar, I was undecided about staying a bit longer for lunch or leave and take an early dinner later. Then I walked across this new joint on the Ground Floor.

It was called Village Pantry, owned by Village Grocer next door. It basically sold bites and sandwiches but the variety was fantastic.

There were fresh sandwiches, sushi and pasta, something which you could either pick up on the go or had there at the shop where tables were provided. Convenient and time saving.

I picked up a plate of rice and saba fish to take back to the apartment and had a pleasant lunch there while doing some reading. Definitely would be stopping there again ...

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New Joint

The renovation had been going on for the past 6 months on this spot on the ground floor of Bangsar Village which had been left vacant for more than a couple of years. There used to be a Ben outlet there which had been closed since.

The space was finally opened last weekend, and Village Grocer had taken up that lot, opening a new gourmet delicatessen. Not yet to the level of Jason's at Bangsar Shopping Centre but there were a few interesting items there. Many healthy options, fresh juice kiosk, salad bar and the likes. Really nice snacks. There were also some roast - ideal should my Dad came to visit. You can take the stuff hole or enjoy it at the deli with a few tables opened.

Not yet time to really look around the place as I was under the weather lately. Definitely would be giving it another look ...

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Happy Malaysia Day

I was doing a bit groceries early this morning and it appeared that the Jalur Gemilang Lego bits at Bangsar Village was completed in the nick of time.

Back at the apartment now and waiting for Syahril and his family to arrive. Will likely chill out the rest of the day, but would be on call tomorrow.

For those resting at home and enjoying the long weekend, Happy Malaysia Day!

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Rambut Raya

It was just a couple of days before Raya and the boys still needed their haircut. Best to leave them until late so they won't grow back too long during the holidays. As usual, it was a quick drive to Bangsar Village to have a trim with Uncle Truno. And that included me.

All done within an hour, and everybody went home happy.

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